Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Walking the Crags

Here's a simple tune I call Walking the Crags. It started out, as usual, as an exploration of various chords on virtual piano where I came up with a back-and-forth triplets riff using E flat and A flat minor ninths. Per my MO, I used the chords to create a scale with interweaving clarinet and vibraphone solos. The drums are minimal but live, I played them straight through and there's no editing. It's pretty soft groove and I was going for a nice airy sound with the cymbals. The biggest challenge was to get the bass to sit right in the mix.

Technically, the new thing here is a stereo pan plugin I downloaded free. It offers more control than Logic's default panning knobs and allows you to get the various voices in a more focused position in the stereo field. Otherwise, there's nothing fancy going on here..

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